
420 Britannia Road East, Suite 200 Mississauga, Ontario, L4Z 3L5






Software & Application Development
Every major industry, including the IT sector, must intend to persuade others to embrace their innovation in today’s digital era. Our years of industry experience can help your organisation succeed by providing custom software designing and development services. We remain by our clients’ side from the moment of development of concept into strategy, research, quality control, technological consultation, and post-development software support. We has perfected the art of software development thanks to its extensive technological proficiency and track record in several industries.
Processes for
software development

    The agile software development approach is used at ITT 360 Inc. Agile and waterfall approaches are both honed by our teams. We take pleasure in providing solutions that go above and beyond expectations and in being attentive to the distinctive demands of each of our clients.


    The most popular agile method is scrum. It is founded on gradual and frequent development. Self-regulatory and multidisciplinary teams work well together to develop solutions according to their needs.

  • DevOps

    Automation of the process through which software companies provide their customers with solutions is the aim of DevOps. It reduces the time-to-market and total growth cycle for a firm.

  • LEAN

    This approach emphasizes on waste reduction and ongoing development. It makes ensuring that a solution contains just the necessary functionalities. Its objective is to produce maximum value with the least amount of work and time.

  • Extreme Programming (XP)

    Rapid growth cycles are made possible by combination of development approaches called extreme programming. The process aims to include quality into the final product.

  • Kanban

    Kanban is a straightforward yet effective idea that arranges work into a visible workflow. It is established on the Lean philosophy of reducing tasks to assist in minimizing delays, boosting productivity, and enhancing quality.

  • RAD and Prototyping

    Rapid application development is referred to as RAD. It allows our engineers to swiftly create prototypes that resemble the final product. Before ideas are turned into solutions, the prototypes aid in deciding if they are workable.

  • Waterfall

    The waterfall technique of software development is better suited for large enterprises that demand intensive planning up front. Projects sticks to a sequential lifecycle rather than creating and releasing software in a stream of brief and repetitive sprints.

Software Solutions
Cybersecurity is still important today, especially for big projects. In every contemporary software project, controlling security risks when working with sensitive data or commercial goods is a top issue.
Artificial Intelligence
All organizations may benefit greatly from AI. All sorts of procedures and daily activities are being revolutionized by advancements like machine learning and deep learning.
Cloud Computing
A key force behind innovation and corporate change today is cloud computing. Cloud-based solutions significantly boost corporate agility while lowering costs and simplifying IT.
QA & Testing
The goal of quality assurance is to create the finest product for your clients. A robust QA & Testing approach enhances user experience, reduces downtime, and provides insightful information.
Mobile Apps
Mobile applications provide fascinating and captivating interactions with businesses. Mobile application development for native, hybrid, and cross-platform platforms delivers fresh and sustainable decisive advantages.
Blockchain’s decentralized, distributed, and public ledger provides the best security, transparency, and traceability for anything from cryptocurrency to business logistics management.
Internet of Things
By upgrading networking and device interaction, IoT development has offered organizations the capabilities to enhance their processes, plans, and overall communications.
Data Analytics
Employing data effectively will lead to the discovery of practical insights about business operations, clients, and product offerings. Actions based on data are determined by BI and Analytics for efficiency and development
UI/UX Design
Dynamic and compelling UI/UX designs increase conversions, lower customer turnover, and build support and trust. Software becomes experiences owing to excellent UI/UX design.


ITT 360 Inc


Boosting ROI of your valuable IT architecture
Trust in ITT 360 Inc for reliable software solutions. Our experts can help with everything from app development to troubleshooting, reducing risk and accelerating your time-to-market. Count on our proven techniques, technologies, and service management to take your business to the next level.


Agile-based rapid application delivery
Nowadays, customers need apps that are faster, better, and more reliable. Our Agile methodology enables you to develop multi-platform apps more quickly, more efficiently, and with improved results.


Autonomous resilience using microservices architecture
We use Microservices design, which allows for continuous deployment, improved performance, and partial changes without a full stop. The programme is divided into autonomous pieces depending on business tasks.


Perfectly suited architecture to your needs
Additionally, we employ Reactive architecture while building robust and adaptable apps that seamlessly manage ‘live’ data, massive loads, and multi-userness and add flawless UX alongside their high responsiveness.

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